Baldwin Stocker Elementary School Home

About Baldwin Stocker

Baldwin Stocker is recognized as a California Distinguished School and 2012 National Blue Ribbon School recipient. Our staff aims to create a positive environment for learning to ensure high student achievement, to enhance self-esteem, and to develop positive social behavior. As a school community, we are committed to excellence in all that we do, and we concentrate on people as the centerpiece of the educational process.
We strive to create an environment that is safe for all, not only physically, but also emotionally and educationally. At Baldwin Stocker School, the focus is on the process of creating challenging and engaging work for all students. We constantly work toward improvement in the quality of the curriculum, and high-quality, personalized student work as a key element of the mission and vision of our school. Programs such as English Language Development (ELD) and Intervention have found high success in meeting students’ needs. Instructional programs such as Thinking Maps and Write from the Beginning provide rich learning experiences for all students. An excellent teaching and classified staff, a very supportive community, a dedicated governing board, and district administrators all work together to help us achieve our goals.

Baldwin Stocker News

February 7th 6-8pm

Click to read more about Steam Night, sponsored by our Baldwin Stocker PTA.

February 12th-14th Conferences

Students will be dismissed at 12:25 on February 12th-14th. Teachers will be meeting with some families for conferences. If you're not sure if you have a conference scheduled or not, check with your teacher!
stack of books

February 14th at 7:30 a.m.

We have rescheduled the Donuts with Grownups event for Feb 14. Click to see the flyer and learn more.
Donuts with Grown Ups


Our Purpose:
To challenge and inspire students to make a positive and profound impact on their world.