School Site Council
From our site safety plan to the single plan for student achievement, SSC gets to discuss that which makes our school special and address areas for growth. Specifically, it is the responsibility of the School Site Council (SSC) to monitor the development and revising of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), in alignment with the Local Control Accountability Plan for the Arcadia Unified School District. This plan is required as part of California's implementation of the federal law, No Child Left Behind. The goals and activities in the plan are long range in nature but must be reviewed annually by the Council.
Involvement in the SSC is both interesting and rewarding. Members are briefed about the progress the school is making toward plan goals. Information is presented to inform the Council about academic programs and activities at the school. Data from state and District testing is presented, explained, and reviewed. Based on this ongoing input, Council members review the Single Plan as required and then recommend the plan to the Governing Board of the District.